A New Color for 2023

Colors make a big difference in home décor. The right colors help set a mood and also enhance the beauty of a room. If you’re tired of your old window treatments, this is the perfect time to choose treatments featuring new colors. These tips can help.

Choosing New Window Treatment Colors

Choose colors that match the mood. What kind of environment are you hoping to create in your house? Peaceful? Cheerful? Serene? Find colors that set the tone you seek. Remember that warm colors tend to excite emotions, while cool colors tend to create a more relaxed environment.

Coordinate colors with decor. Consider all the colors around your window treatments, and coordinate the colors accordingly. Use a color wheel or an online palette generator to decide which window treatment colors will look best with the other colors in the space being decorated.

Consider the colors of the year. Many paint companies start each year by choosing a color of the year. If you’re out of ideas for your home decor, these lovely shades make a good starting point.

Choose neutrals for easy decorating. Neutral colors like brown, black, gray and cream can easily coordinate with other colors around the room. Even if you decide to redecorate later, your neutral colored window treatments are unlikely to clash with the other new features and colors you’ve selected.

Why Upgrade Your Window Treatment Colors?
Updating your window treatments is a smart way to add a new look to a room without making a lot of expensive changes. It’s also a good idea to upgrade your window treatments if your old window treatments are fading.
Low quality window treatments can fade over time. Reds and oranges in particular are susceptible to fading. This faded look can detract from the overall beauty of the room. Updating window treatments fixes that problem!

Quality Matters – Buy From Accent Shutter
Whether you’re buying shades, blinds, drapes or shutters, your window treatments can make all the difference in your interior spaces. Choose your window treatments from a company that creates quality products that are unlikely to fade or deteriorate with time.

Accent Shutter & Shade makes quality window treatments. Explore our products to choose your new window treatments for 2023.

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